Free PDF Ariel (Poetry Firsts Collection), by Sylvia Plath
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Ariel (Poetry Firsts Collection), by Sylvia Plath

Free PDF Ariel (Poetry Firsts Collection), by Sylvia Plath
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"Sylvia Plath's last poems have impressed themselves on many readers with the force of myth. They are among the handful of writings by which future generations will seek to know us and give us a name."-- "Critical Quarterly""It is fair to say that no group of poems since Dylam Thomas's "Deaths and Entrances" has had as vivid and disturbing an impact on English critics and readers as has "Ariel." Sylvia Plath's poems have already passed into legend as both representative of our present tone of emotional life and unique in their implacable, harsh brilliance...These poems take tremendous risks, extending Sylvia Plath's essentially austere manner to the very limit. They are a bitter triumph, proof of the capacity of poetry to give to reality the greater permanence of the imagined. She could not return from them."-- George Steiner, "The Reporter"
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and studied at Smith College. In 1955 she went to Cambridge University on a Fulbright scholarship, where she met and later married Ted Hughes. She published one collection of poems in her lifetime, The Colossus (1960), and a novel, The Bell Jar (1963); Ariel was published posthumously in 1965. Her Collected Poems, which contains her poetry written from 1956 until her death, was published in 1981 and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.
Gebundene Ausgabe: 81 Seiten
Verlag: Faber And Faber Ltd.; Auflage: Revised ed. (1. Mai 2010)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0571259316
ISBN-13: 978-0571259311
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
13,2 x 1,5 x 20,1 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.0 von 5 Sternen
9 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 631 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Beautiful book
Sylvia Plath and Denise Lermontov were the two most powerful female American poets of the 20th century. When I was in my teens and a "would-be" poet, I had a copy of Ariel that I rarely let out of my sight. She is the queen of angst. I greedily drank the concoction she distilled out of her anger, disillusionment and loathing. I felt the same way towards my parents as she did towards hers. Those who try to soft-pedal these poems and claim they're somehow life-affirming are deluding themselves. These are poems of despair, anguish and hopelesness, probably the most evocative expressions of those sentiments ever recorded. They will not put you in a good mood. These come from the dark night of utter isolation, written by a young, beautiful wife and mother who will soon stick her head in an oven and turn on the gas. They are about as pretty as Auschwitz. If you are looking for poetry that is morally uplifting, look elsewhere. If the paintings of Bosch and Breughel hold some fascination for you and you don't flinch from visions of the damned, then this work will appeal to you. For some reason, I think of Sylvia Plath and Diane Arbus as artistic sisters. Both show us things we probably didn't really want to see, but it's impossible to look away when confronted with the images they depicted. Art is sometimes disturbing. This is one unsettling volume of poetry.
How typical. A race of men classifying Plath's genius as enhanced symptoms of PMS. Is it that hard to believe that a woman could give birth to poems so incredibly rich and textured purely because she is mentally capable to do so? Of course not. Therefore, why pigeon-hole Plath as an over-emotional woman, who, rather than Windexing and cooking her troubles away, chose to compose some of the most heralded lyrics of the twentieth century? It's difficult to excuse the Ariel poems as the simple mind-barf of a harried, lonely woman. Sylvia Plath was a genius. Period.
To say that ARIEL is a stunning book of poetry does not seem adequate. Reading ARIEL is like opening a Pandora's box of strange beauties, nightmares, furies, sorrows, and surreal sweetnesses, as in "Morning Song", in which the poet whispers to her sleeping child: "All night your moth-breath/Flickers among the flat pink roses. I wake to listen:/A far sea moves in my ear." Unlike Pandora's box, there is no hope at the end of Ariel, only "fixed stars" and the moon "staring from her hood of bone".In ARIEL, Plath seemed to almost shamanistically reach into realities just beneath the surface of everyday life, hauling them to consciousness with a skill almost unequaled in contemporary poetry. ARIEL stands as an unrivaled poetic achievement, written in a mesmerising and indelibly haunting voice.
Die Gedichte von Sylvia Plath gehören zu dem ganz Großen, das die amerikanische Literatur zu bieten hat. Die Übersetzung finde ich nicht schlecht - für den Puristen bleibt ja das Original, denn dieses Buch ist zweisprachig herausgegeben.Plath hatte kein einfaches Leben; von ihrer Familie eingeengt in einem Korsett der Konventionen, fand sie Freiheit nur in der Dichtung und zum Schluss in ihrem Freitod. Diese Düsternis und Schwere findet sich auch in all ihren Gedichten wieder, selbst dort, wo sie leichte Motive wählt (etwa die Luftbalons an ihrer Zimmerdecke). Unübertroffen ist sie hingegen in ihrem Einfallsreichtum, der stets neue Bilder und Metaphern findet - oft so treffend, dass es an allerbesten Symbolismus grenzt.
I just recieved Ariel as a gift by a new friend and was introduced to Syliva Plath and her inner world at the same time. There are some poets who greatly influence others and I am one of those who is influenced By Sylvia Plath in Ariel.She and I share a great many issues and the way she writes so abashedly about her emotions and relationships such as with her father who dies years before her made me pause,think and my eyes fill with the water of emotions. This is the writing of a woman who greatly and desperately wanted the world to know and see her but not by its clouded and confused perspection of her but as she actuially was.a person who simply wanted to project her heart in the world and have it accepted. Every minute detail of life she has filled with emotions in these poems, for she knew well that every experience has an emotional impact on human beings. If you want to think and feel very intensely for the first time or in one of very few times then this book and these poems are for you.
This book of poems by plath is an excellent read. i use her poetry as a springboard for poems i write and it's a wonderful help. this is a book of poems by plath that were found by her ex husband after her suicide, he edited them and compiled them to create ariel. i recommend this book to anyone serious about poetry that can handle the hardness of the reality plaths poems adress.
"The bell jar" von Sylvia Plath ist eines meiner Lieblingsbücher.Davon angeregt habe ich mir die Gedichtsammlung "Ariel" gekauft, nach mehrmaligem Lesen lässt mich diese immmer noch mit gemischten Gefühlen zurück. Plath war sicherlich eine bessere Romanverfasserin als Dichterin (leider schrieb sie nur den einen), ihre Gedichte offenbaren das Leid einer geschundenen Seele, die an dieser Welt zerbrochen ist. So gewährt dieser Band Einblicke in das Innere der Schriftstellerin, Einblicke in ihren Weg von der Kindheit bis zu ihrem frühen, frei gewählten Tod.Dies sollte man wissen, bevor man sich an die Gedichte heranwagt, es sind keine durchschnittlichen Gedichte zu durchschnittlichen Themen, es sind abgehackte Worte einer traurigen Seele, die einen mitunter verstört zurücklassen.
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